• Klaipeda University
  • 19 June 2024

Klaipeda University to host the PRO Pupils conference: the best practical research papers presented

On June 12, 2024, PRO Pupils, the conference of pupils’ practical research works, took place at Klaipėda University (KU). Every year more and more schoolchildren, high schools, KU scientists, and business representatives join the initiative organized by Klaipėda University, Klaipėda Baltic Gymnasium, and Klaipėda City Municipality. This year, 11 research papers were presented.

“Cooperation between the city, science, and business is very important. High-school students, in cooperation with Klaipėda University scientists and business representatives, gain a lot of valuable theoretical and, especially, practical knowledge. I would like to wish schoolchildren, teachers, scientists, and entrepreneurs to continue to cooperate, learn, create, and to improve and implement these noteworthy projects in the future”, Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, the Rector of KU, addressed the conference audience.

For the fourth year in a row, the conference of pupils’ practical research papers was held at Klaipėda University. Schoolchildren from Baltic, Vėtrungė, Vytautas Magnus, and KU Žemyna gymnasiums in Klaipėda presented their works. The projects range from medicine, ecology, sustainable energy to educational digital games.  

“Pupils were free to choose their research topics. The submissions varied widely – some were very scientific; others were simpler and result-oriented. The great contribution of Klaipėda University and companies helped the schoolchildren to implement these noteworthy projects”, says Jurgita Račkauskienė, Headmaster of Klaipėda Baltic Gymnasium.

Klaipėda University’s lecturers have long been cooperating with the gymnasiums participating in the conference to teach and host schoolchildren at the university, where they carry out various research activities together. Some of the papers presented at the PRO Pupils conference were supervised by KU researchers.

“I see the mutual benefit of such collaboration – it is beneficial both for the gifted pupils, who want to pursue their studies, and for the university and the professors, who are trying to attract gifted students. I work with schoolchildren myself. It is a very interesting experience, because you have to explain complicated things in a way that they understand. Klaipėda University involves them in various research activities and allows them to use the equipment available”, says Prof. Dr. Daiva Mockevičienė, Head of the Department of Holistic Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Health Sciences of KU.

The pupils, who presented their research papers, received nominations established by Klaipėda University, EU-CONEXUS Alliance, Omega 365 Lithuania, Vakarų laivų gamykla, AB, coffeehouse chain 10 Tiltų, Klaipėda State Seaport Authority, and Klaipėda Regional Association of Industrialists. All the participants of the conference could also vote for their favorite project.

Nominations went to:

The Engineering Project (established by Vakarų laivų gamykla, AB) – Klaipėda Baltic Gymnasium IIi2 grade pupils’ project “Designing FTC Robot”.

The Most Sustainable Project (established by the EU-CONEXUS Alliance) – Klaipėda Baltic Gymnasium IIIi2 grade pupils’ project “Sun Tracking Solar Wax Melter”.

The Most Scientific Project (established by Klaipėda University) – KU Žemyna Gymnasium IIIb grade pupil’s project “Bioresonance Therapy Complex”.

The Most Inventive Project (established by Omega 365 Lithuania) – Klaipėda Baltic Gymnasium IIi1 grade pupil’s project “Educational Android Game”.

The Most Creative Project (awarded by the coffeehouse chain 10 Tiltų) – Klaipėda Vytautas Magnus Gymnasium II grade pupils’ project “Expression of Leadership of a Sports Team Captain”.

The Smartest/SMART Project (established by Klaipėda State Seaport Authority) – Klaipėda Baltic Gymnasium IIi1 grade pupil’s project “Educational Android Game”.

The Prospect Project (established by Klaipėda Regional Association of Industrialists) – KU Žemyna Gymnasium IIIb grade pupil’s project “Weighing and Feeding Grey Seals”.

The Audience Favorite Project – Klaipėda Vytautas Magnus Gymnasium II grade pupils’ project “Catapult”.

The Unrecognized Nomination went to the project “The Impact of Air and Water Pollution on Human Health” by the pupils of IIIeko2 grade of Klaipėda Vėtrungė Gymnasium, to the project “The Garfish (Belone Belone) Batch Fecundity Study” by the pupils of IIIeko1 grade of Klaipėda Vėtrungė Gymnasium, also to the project “Impact of the Wind Chill on the Morbidity” by the pupils of Ieko1 grade of Klaipėda Vėtrungė Gymnasium, as well as to the project “Study of the Effectiveness of Lighting Lamps” by the pupils of IVi1 grade of Klaipėda Baltic Gymnasium.  


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