1. Martynas Simutis "Research on the Rational Use of Tugs in Difficult Navigation Conditions, Increasing Shipping Safety in Ports", Transport Engineering
1. Jurgita Viršilienė "Factors Influencing the Granting of Heritage Status to Hillforts in Lithuania between 1919 and 1990", History and Archeology
2. Esther Robbe "Ecosystem Service Assessments of the Coastal Zone: Case Studies and Management Implications", Ecology and Environmental sciences
3. Edvinas Tiškus "Advancements in Ecological Monitoring through Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Satellite Data: Studies in Water Clarity, Coastal Management, and Vegetation Dynamics", Ecology and Environmental sciences
4. Deimena Montvydaitė "Effects of Responsible Tourism on Economic Performance in the Context of Tourism Destination", Economics
5. Titas Tamkvaitis "Coastal Defense Systems along the Shoreline of Lithuania and Latvia from 1939 to 1945 and Problems of their Preservation" History and Archaeology
6. Samanta Šamrejienė "Development of Personalized Healthcare in Organizations Integrating Psychosocial Support" Managemant
7. Remigijus Dailidė "Application of Climatographic Methods for Climate Change Assessment of the Baltic Sea Coast", Physical geography
8. Indrė Ignotaitė "Translanguaging between Lithuanian and English on “Twitter”, Philology
9. Paola Forni "Energetic Value of Coastal Benthic Environment for Benthivorous Wintering Sea Ducks Based on their Feeding Ecology", Ecology and Environmental sciences
10. Martynas Drazdauskas "Optimization of the Combustion Cycle of a Marine Diesel Engine Operating on Ammonia", Transport Engineering
11. Gerda Kazlauskienė "Political Discourse on the Formation of Compulsory Military Service in Lithuania", Political Sciences
1. Dainius Elertas "Land Tenure and Socioeconomic Structure in the District of Klaipeda (Hauptamt Memel): the first Decades of Secularised Prussia", History and Archaeology
2. Soukaina Elyaagoubi "Comparative Study of Ecosystem Services Provided by two Coastal Lagoons in Relation to their Hydrodynamic Features", Ecology and Environmental sciences
3. Arvydas Urbis "Aesthetic Valuation of Dune and Forest Landscape of the Curonian Spit", Physical geography
4. Reza Pashaei "Distribution, Bioaccumulation, and Ecotoxicological Effects of Emerging Pollutants in Aquatic Ecosystems", Ecology and Environmental sciences
5. Tomas Čepaitis "Formation of a Rational Structure of the Cogeneration Organic Rankine Cycle for Ship Main Engine Under Operational Conditions", Transport Engineering
6. Viljaras Reigas "Impact of Accreditation on Quality Assurance of Healthcare Services", Management
7. Mindaugas Sereičikas "The Interaction between Civilians and the Lithuanian Military 1918-1923", History and Archaeology
8. Julius Morkūnas "Quantification of Wintering Seabird Bycatch in the Baltic Sea Coastal Fisheries and Ingestion of Marine Debris", Ecology and Environmental sciences
1. Rasa Kulevičienė "Conscious Directing to Learning“: Constructivist Grounded Theory of Enabling Primary School Students to Reflect on Learning in Lithuanian Lessons", Education Sciences
2. Žydrūnė Šalaviejūtė "Lithuanian Zoonyms Nomination and Motivation: Names of Domesticated Animals, Poultry and Insects", Philology
3. Lukas Oliver Ritzenhofen "Blue Mussel Cultivation in the Baltic Sea Economic and Mitigation Potential in Mesohaline Coastal Waters", Ecology and Environmental Sciences
4. Johanna Kristina Schumacher "Tools and Approaches for Supporting Coastal and Marine Policy Implementation", Ecology and Environmental Sciences
5. Rugilė Pangonytė "The Career of Juozapatas Mykolas Karpis, 1703-1708", History and Archaeology
6. Kontantinas Lotiuk "Processes and Conditions of Democratization and De-democratization in Ukraine", Political Sciences
7. Lukas Norkevičius "Improvement of Tugboat Environmental Performance Using Liquefied Natural Gas", Transport Engineering
8. Atas Žvirblys "Clay Tobacco Pipes from the Seventeenth to the Early Nineteenth Century in Vilnius and Klaipėda in European Context", History and Archaeology
9. Tobia Politi "Biogeochemical interactions among benthic macrofauna, microbial communities and macrophytes in eutrophic coastal lagoons", Ecology and Environmental Sciences
10. Monia Magri "New experimental data to implement ecological network analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus in two eutrophic lagoons", Ecology and Environmental Sciences
11. Donata Overlingė "Cyanobacteria as a Source of Bioactive Metabolites: their Potential Ppplication in Biotechnology and Environmental Impact" Ecology and Environmental Sciences
12. Julius Paulikas "Managing the Multi-dimensional Nature of Employee Resistance Conditioned by Technological Change", Management
1. Gintautas Jakštys "The daily life of Lithuanian soldiers in war and peace in 1918–1940", History and Archaeology
2. Eglė Baltranaitė "Impact of physical geographical factors on the sustainability of South Baltic seaside resorts", Physical geography
3. Tomas Bacys "Technologies of Information Warfare in Mediated Politics: the Case of the Portrayal of the Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine in the German Information Space", Political Sciences
4. Lina Bairašauskienė "Construction of Professional Identity of Female School Principals during Multiple Educational Interactions", Education Sciences
5. Mirco Haseler "Meso - and Microplastic in the Baltic Coastal Environment", Ecology and Environmental sciences
6. Eglė Rimkienė "Construction Iron in Lithuania’s Castles Dating to the Fourteenth – Sixteenth Centuries Based on Archaeological Data" History and Archaeology
7. Alvyda Obrikienė "Securitisation of Political Democracy in the Context of Socioeconomic Inequality", Political Sciences
8. Rasa Idzelytė "Assessment and Impact of Ice Cover and Future Projections for the Baltic Curonian Lagoon", Ecology and Environmental sciences
9. Dovilė Bataitytė "The Shaping of Visual Representations of Klaipėda (Memel) and Their Utilisation in Tourism Practices in the Period 1919 to 1990", History and Archaeology
10. Greta Gyraitė "Microbial water quality and potential risks for human health at the Southeastern Baltic Sea bathing waters“, Ecology and Environmental sciences
11. Diana Šateikienė "Research on the installation of ballast water treatment systems for marine ships", Transport Engineering
12. Edita Baranskaitė "The evaluation of the economic impact of tourism innovativeness", Economics
13. Egidijus Papečkys "Transformation of the defence capability of the Republic of Lithuania in 1990-2004: between individual and collective defence", History and Archaeology
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