
Comment People

Indicators of climate change in the Baltic Sea region

2 y.
Event Business

Expectations of business and science voiced in the forum of maritime business and policy

2 y.

KU student’s letters from Kherson (regularly updated)

2 y.
Technologies Research

Biotechnology for the Neutralisation of Oil Pollution, Developed by KU Researchers, to Start the Phase of Testing at Sea

2 y.
Initiative Project

The premiere of a “Migrant” at KU: An experience tour of the old Klaipėda barracks to get the feel of migrant fate

2 y.

Study Regatta 2022 [PHOTO GALLERY]

2 y.

EU-CONEXUS School Contest “Think Smart Create Green” national stage

2 y.

Klaipeda University supports European coastal regions in their transition to a sustainable blue bioeconomy

2 y.
Research Innovations

Experiment of KU Researchers: Shall We be Growing Vegetables in Lithuania with the Help of Fish?

2 y.

KU Alumni Club reniews its activities

2 y.
Technologies Event

TechHub invites to help Ukraine by finding innovative solutions during the hackathon

2 y.

15th of March International BAPR project workshop “The role of plants in the soil pollution mitigation”

2 y.

Nature Needs No Pill: researchers from Lithuania and Latvia looking for the occurrence of pharmaceutical substances in both countries

2 y.
Initiative Event

On March 11, Klaipedians are invited to celebrate and taste Ukrainian “Borsch Of Freedom”

2 y.

Message from KU Partner: An appeal of Kherson State University Community

2 y.

The first TORCH Forum held at the European level

2 y.

Both People and Institutions Reach out to Help KU Students from Ukraine

2 y.

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Klaipėda University will be Gilded and Decorated with Cornflowers

2 y.

KU Suspends Partnership with Russian and Belarusian Education Institutions and Opens an Account to Support Students from Ukraine

2 y.
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