• Klaipeda University
  • 07 June 2024

The renovated and disability-accessible KU gym hall to open: no analogues in Klaipeda

Today, June 6, 2024, the renovated gym hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Klaipeda University (KU) was opened. The gym hall is unique in that people with disabilities will be able to access it independently and safely and to exercise there. The sports facilities are suitable for practically all team sports: basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis, and badminton. Not only the university community, but also other local residents, including people with disabilities, will be able to use the gym hall. The gym hall is unique because of its facilities adapted to people with disabilities for all team sports. Paralympic medalist Aldona Grigaliūnienė says it is the first such gym hall in Klaipėda.  

First and foremost, the versatility of the gym hall is defined by its accessibility for people with disabilities. It will be accessible to both people with and without disabilities. The entrance from the outside has been made accessible for people with disabilities, a wheelchair lift has been installed, and the accessible doors have been made sufficiently wide to accommodate wheelchair users and to open automatically. All this ensures easy access to the sports facilities. The gym hall floor has also been replaced. The floor padding has been applied, which will ensure that people with disabilities can move safely. The replacement of the windows, the thermal insulation of the walls, and the renovation of the heating system have brought the air temperature in the gym hall up to hygienic conditions and will make people with disabilities feel comfortable when they come to do sports. Toilets and showers have also been made accessible for people with disabilities – separate for women and men. There is an emergency call system so that people with disabilities can call for help if needed.

Paralympic medalist Aldona Grigaliūnienė is not hiding her joy, as not only members of the university community, but also other residents of Klaipėda, including people with disabilities, will be able to engage in sports activities in the newly renovated KU gym hall.

“So far, there are really no other places in Klaipėda with such good conditions for people with disabilities. The place that our social club for people with disabilities is renting now is practically nothing in terms of it being adapted for people with disabilities. There is a problem not only with the gym halls, it is also difficult to get into the swimming pool. It is already being handled now, but before the coach used to take the wheelchair up and down the stairs. We need to spread the word as loudly as possible about this disability-friendly gym, because people with disabilities are sitting at home. It is simply not possible for them to go up the stairs and they do not want to burden others.  I myself have been preparing for the Olympics under very difficult conditions,” says A. Grigaliūnienė.  

According to A. Grigaliūnienė, the opening of the renovated KU gym hall is of great significance not only for the university students and clubs, but also for everyone with disabilities to get stronger and improve their physical health.

“A gym hall like this is about rehabilitation and health for people with disabilities. Only by moving, only by exercising can they get stronger. I can even give a few examples of completely paralyzed people, who started to move with the help of sports. Even those with cerebral palsy are now able to ride a bicycle. Thanks to sports, they become physically stronger and some of them no longer need other people’s help. Not only that, but in such places, they meet like-minded people and support each other psychologically”, says A. Grigaliūnienė about the importance of the gym hall.

The renovated gym hall of the university is unique in that it can accommodate basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, and table tennis. Six new basketball boards have been installed, which allows for grouping the athletes according to their physical capacity and health status as well as differentiating physical activity. New high-quality indoor football goals have also been purchased.

“This gym hall is very important for the whole KU community - both students and sports clubs. Its parameters are suitable for training and competitions in practically all team sports. The high ceiling makes it very suitable for volleyball and other athletic disciplines. If there are any such analogues in Klaipėda, there are only a few”, says Dr. B. Petrauskas, Vice-Rector for Infrastructure and Development of KU.

It is hoped that such cozy and contemporary gym hall will encourage young people to become even more active in choosing the Leisure Sports programs at Klaipeda University. Mindaugas Balčiūnas, Secretary General of the Lithuanian Basketball Federation (LKF), who attended the opening ceremony of the new gym hall, said that the practical element of the studies and the good conditions for training are the main factors that determine the choice of athletes’ studies.

“The gym hall is very cozy and up-to-date. It will be a pleasure to practice sports here. The Federation is very pleased, as such attractive facilities will encourage even more young athletes to study and pursue coaching careers. There is a great shortage of basketball coaches at the moment. Such good conditions for practicing sports will make the study process more fulfilling, because students take a practical approach to their studies,” said M. Balčiūnas.  

Secretary General of LKF was echoed by Rokas Jokubaitis and Tadas Sedekerskis, two of the most talented young Lithuanian basketball players, former KU students, who were present at the opening event.  

“A large space, sports equipment, and, of course, coaches, who encourage us to improve, are very important for an effective and enjoyable workout,” say the athletes.  

KU gym hall has undergone a complete overhaul of all engineering communications and service pipelines as well as a number of other repairs. Some of the necessary sports equipment has been renewed.   

“We have fixed the roof, the personnel facilities, replaced the gym hall’s floor covering with modern, cushioned, and very aesthetic-looking covering. A new heating system, light boards, and a whole new range of other necessary elements have been installed. One of the most important changes is a hoist for people with physical disabilities and the possibility for them to use the gym hall”, Vice-Rector Dr. B. Petrauskas lists the works done.

KU gym hall will be available for KU academic needs until lunchtime. In the afternoon, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m., it will be dedicated to physical activities for target groups. People with disabilities, young city athletes, members of the Department of Culture and Sports, young academics, and community members will be exercising there. The gym hall will also host sports and wellness events.

The gym hall renovation project was financed by Klaipeda University and the Sports Support Fund. The financial resources to ensure continuity will be provided by Klaipėda University for a minimum period of 3 years after the end of project implementation.


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