• Klaipeda University
  • 17 May 2024

Klaipeda University to Become a Member of the International Association of Universities

In April, Klaipeda University took another important step towards stronger international integration by becoming a member of the International Association of Universities (IAU). The aim of this association is to promote cooperation between higher education institutions and improve the quality of studies. Membership in this association provides Klaipeda University with the opportunity to develop and be heard more widely.

The International Association of Universities is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organizations. IAU gathers more than 600 universities from more than 120 countries. For Klaipėda University, first and foremost, this allows it to become even more involved in international projects and research. Secondly, cooperation with other members of the association allows sharing best practices and research results, which enrich both the university’s scientific activities and study programs. Moreover, such membership makes the university more visible in the global higher education arena.  

Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, Rector of Klaipeda University, says that new international relations and cooperation promote broader international integration and improve the quality of education.    

“By creating new international academic relations, we broaden our horizons, generate ideas from different sources, hear different opinions in the international arena and, ultimately, improve ourselves. Joining this association will bring positive changes that will allow us to better integrate and contribute to the development of higher education and research”, expresses his support Prof. Dr. A. Razbadauskas.  

For a number of years Klaipeda University has been actively participating in international programs and projects, such as Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, and since 2019 is a member of the EU-CONEXUS alliance. The university also offers international study programs that attract students from all over the world. The new membership of the International Association of Universities will further boost these international processes.   

Three Lithuanian universities – Vilnius University, Mykolas Romeris University, and Klaipeda University – are currently members of the International Association of Universities.


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